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Time to Change

Change is rarely easy.

When you’re stuck in a pattern and feel you’ve lost control, it can be difficult to see the way forward. But if the stress of a high-performance career, challenging personal relationships or impaired physical or mental health is holding you back, specialised, compassionate treatment can lead you towards meaningful transformation.

“Most people will resist change,” says psychologist Jane Enter, clinical director at Raindrum, a private treatment facility in the Byron Bay region of NSW. “But change is how you take charge of your health and your life.

"We help you learn new skills that will allow you to live a more fulfilling life, letting go of destructive behaviours that don’t serve you.”

Raindrum, which opened in 2017, was created to fill what managing director Mathew Simpson saw as the “shortcomings” of existing private treatment programs, which he says lack an appropriate balance of medical, clinical and therapeutic insights and individual focus and aren’t sufficiently outcome orientated.

At Raindrum, evidence-based medical and clinical processes are customised to each client’s circumstances. “Relationship breakdowns, loss of a loved one, substance misuse, ill health, challenging career or life transitions can send anyone off-piste, particularly when your life is honed for high performance,” says Simpson.

Raindrum clients are housed in their own private residences and are supported by a full clinical team, including medical, psychological, allied health and experiential practitioners.

Treatment is non-judgemental and discreet. “Whether a client maintains a significant public profile or not, we offer anonymity and aim to eliminate exposure to non-beneficial influences or experiences,” says Simpson.

“We see the individual and their story – not what they do but who they are and the life that they want to lead.”

And the results, says Enter, can be life changing. “Some people have told us that as a result of their Raindrum program, they now have the closest relationship with their children they’ve ever had. Others have had partners say, ‘It’s so good to see you again.’ People make profound changes and these changes filter through to the rest of their lives and the other people around them so there is a lovely flow-on effect.”

Originally published in Qantas Travel Insider, 2022.